Osteoarthritis information, exercise and advice by Expanscience
Welcome to the
site Arthrolink.com

Arthrolink is a service of Laboratoires Expanscience devoted to osteoarthritis.
Find a set of information about osteoarthritis.
It is important to understand the different forms of osteoarthritis (all joints can be affected : hip, knee, spine, etc.) and not to be confused them with other chronic inflammatory rheumatism or osteoporosis.
On Arthrolink you can find several exercise sheets and specific movements to reduce the effects and pain of the osteoarthritis.
Depending on the affected areas on the body, the patient who has osteoarthritis can access to preventive information, specific advices, targeted video exercice and nutritional recommendations to facilitate his daily life.
A better understanding of osteoarthritis, easier diagnosis and a better knowledge of the environmental factors that affect pain can help to live better with a osteoarthritis.
As a bonus: Check the OA patients files, news, videos and general information files on gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis, rhizarthrosis, etc. written by health care professionals.