Your doctor may have suggested that you complete questionnaires to assess the impact of osteoarthritis on your daily life. In order to have a faithful record of the evolution of your disease we suggest here that you choose the form that suits your needs, then you complete it, print a copy and submit it to your doctor and talk with him or her about it in a concrete way.
The general evaluation enables assessing your health in a comprehensive way over the past four weeks, irrespective of the site of your osteoarthritis.
Other tests are specific to the affected joint.
General evaluation
Tick the boxes that apply to your situation.
If you wish to proceed, we will ask you some questions. Your answers will enable an overall assessment of your health over the last four weeks. You must check the boxes that fit your situation.
[Questionnaire] - Note, please tick one box for each question.
Evaluating osteoarthritis based on the joint involved
Answer "0" if "possible with difficulty"
Answer "1" if "possible with moderate difficulty"
Answer "2" if "possible with significant difficulty"
Answer "3" if "impossible"
NB: it is pointless to complete this questionnaire more than once a month.
Hand osteoarthritis

To assess the impact of your osteoarthritis, you may complete the following questionnaire that focuses more precisely on the hands:
[ Questionnaire ] - Note, please tick one box for each question.

To assess the inconvenience caused by osteoarthritis of the spine, just check the "Yes" when you agree with the question.
[ Questionnaire ] - Note, please tick one box for each question.

We will present a series of questions to evaluate your hip osteoarthritis. Your score will reflect the level of discomfort you are experiencing in your hip.
[ Questionnaire (hip) ] - Note, please tick one box for each question.

We will present a series of questions to evaluate your knee osteoarthritis. Your score will reflect the level of discomfort you are experiencing in your knee.
[ Questionnaire (knee) ] - Note, please tick one box for each question.